Who We Serve

How We Help You

How We Help

All services and programs are no-cost.
No referral from another agency is needed.
No appointment is made before getting services.

When a parent calls, an Outreach Volunteer will perform an initial pre-screen to learn more about your situation and identify all possible parenting needs. Also, parents will be referred to other helpful resources and we will try to identify any barriers to using them. Then, a Visitation Volunteer gathers whatever urgent, essential items we have available on-hand and arranges to bring them directly to needy parents (usually within a week) to an agreed upon location (i.e. home, school, transit center, parking lot)

All participants must sign a Terms and Conditions form to receive any essential items. Parents who are 18 and over and the legal guardian of their children in custody may also be eligible to receive Special Request Items.

Who Do We Help?

We help teen parents (up through age 21) and their children (up to 5 years old) by providing ongoing support (on a monthly basis), while they are in the process of completing an education, seeking housing stability, and/or working towards becoming employable (see Bare Essentials Program)

We provide time-limited support to any parent of any age through pregnancy, labor and delivery and baby care (during prenatal stage and from birth to 6 months old) who cannot afford what is needed to take care of herself and her infant child. (see L.O.V.E Your Baby Opportunity Program).

We give some forms of temporary assistance for parents and their young children who are in urgent need and experiencing a really rough period of interrupted support, i.e. moved to shelter, lost job, became single parent, got sudden custody. (may be eligible for partial support on 1-time basis – see Our Programs)

Helpful Information

Local Resources

We are also familiar with many other places to get additional help within the Portland Metro Tri-County area. For more details on 10 Commonly Needed Resources – see Local Resources listed below.

Please let us know if you have any barriers in getting access to any of these services (i.e. need bus tickets, carrier/stroller, umbrella, shoes or outdoor clothing, loss of cell phone service, no mailing address, etc.)

Call 2-1-1 to help you find local resources for your urgent needs

Connects pregnant or new parents with helpful programs and services in Clackamas County, Call or text 971-400-7832

Emergency food boxes, rent and utility assistance for Portland Metro area residents

(503) 235-8431

503-546- 6377
Parenting Classes, Employment Assistance, Youth Programs, Substance Abuse

Supplemental Food for Low-income Pregnant Women, Infants and Children up to 5 Years Old

Apply for food, cash and childcare assistance in one place


Free family support program which helps parents to keep their young children safe, healthy and learning well.

Nursing Mother’s Counsel Oregon (503) 282-3338 National Breastfeeding Helpline (877) 452-5324

Free Confidential support to cope with pregnancy and postpartum mood



Looking For Assistance?

Please CALL us for HELP!

Our Caring Volunteers Are Ready to Give You What You Need.

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